Fadhil Health can help you manage the impact of ill health on attendance and or performance of your employees.

Our approach extends beyond providing a reactive management referral service; we aim to forge strong working relationships with our clients, working in partnership to deliver tailored absence/performance management solutions. 

Understand Your Needs

Our management system generates an extensive range of health data that we can analyse to understand trends and patterns.  This enables us to determine what proactive initiatives are needed to tackle the root causes of absence in your organisation.

Change the Culture

We know that performance and productivity will always be your primary focus. However, in some areas, the link between absence and productivity can often be forgotten. By engaging with your managers and staff, we help to promote occupational health as a proactive service aimed at improving wellbeing and reducing absence – we are not here just to tick a box!

In our view the OH professional’s role is to provide independent, evidence-based opinion and advice, enabling management to make a well informed decision on how to manage an individual and facilitate an early and safe return to work wherever possible.